Sunday, December 24, 2006

Laying here in my bed with the industrious production that is Christmas all around me. The wrapping of gifts, the baking of holiday goodies, the mexican tradition of making Tamales. As of late Christmas has become extremely important to me. That is in part due to the fact that I have 2 children (ages 5 & 10 months) & a beautiful wife. We use the holidays to take the time to honor the traditions taught to us by our predecessors. The way we decorate the house & the tree, the recipes we use to create our once a year delights (for our house these include my wife's pumpkin bread & my mom's tamales) all remind us of the magic that is all around but goes unrecognized throughout the year as we are bombarded by our duties & responsibilities, namely our jobs/school.

The holiday times expose this elusive magic that we are blind to everyday.

Tonite is Christmas Eve so spend time with your loved ones & embrace the magic that surrounds you.